I'm often called a hypocrite...
Well actually not to my face and I’m sure it’s more often than I could imagine
since I am a never married single mom who is involved in my Church. But besides
that every time people call pro-lifers hypocrites and those who actually
believe the teachings of the Catholic Church hypocrites... Well they’re talking
about me. And in reality I am because I'm a sinner but I at least recognize or
at least strive to recognize my faults and strive to find truth even if it's hard
to bear and may require me to change. I also like logic... And live my life out
to live out the logic I believe in... However, I am most baffled and saddened
by a certain group of people... those who scream #blacklivesmatter & in the
next breath #standwithPP or #abortionwithoutapology...