Friday, June 12, 2015

My Beef with Contraception. Part 1 - My History

What's my history???
 I spent several years away from the Church living a life of "freedom",  but it wasn't until I began to learn about Jesus and his Church that not only did I find my way but I also found truth & light. My time away from the Church did not grant me real freedom but was really a time of alot of darkness. Don't get me wrong it wasn't all bad, I met some amazing people and had amazing experiences but there was always a darkness. With all that said this is s three part series of posts, this series isn't specifically about the Church's teaching on contraception, but more of my journey. But if you are interested in learning about the Church's teaching on contraception your can find it here. or here.

Soooo, on with the show. I did not always strive to follow Christ. But, I do remember being close to him in 8th grade and then gradually slipping away as I became more involved with boys. After high school my relationship with him was pretty cold. I'd go to Church sometimes throughout college but was detached because of the lifestyle I was choosing to live and I knew that lifestyle went against every moral teaching I had ever been taught, so I kept my distance.

I remember my first introduction to birth control, I was a freshmen in college. My "boyfriend" was very scared that I had gotten pregnant the night before. I remember him calling me to see if I felt sick the next morning. I laughed @ him and told a mutual friend about his ridiculousness. I went to her place later that day and she introduced me to the pill. She had lots and lots of packages b/c a relative of hers was a nurse so she supplied my friend with the samples that came into the MD's office where she worked.

My friend then informed me how to use the pill, as a morning after pill. It's basically a superdose of the hormones over a 12 hr period. I won't explain exactly how because I'd rather not give anyone any new ideas.

So for quite some time this was how I "protected" myself. And I had access to it for free. (Obviously my friend and I were way ahead of our time.) Finally another friend of mine convinced me this couldn't be a healthy way of living and I should get a prescription & take it as directed. So I went to a physician and got the prescription. I don't remember the exact cost, however, I was a college student, my parents did not fund my extracurricular activities, and my work study job barely paid my cellphone and beer bills. But I still managed to pay for the pills. I remember getting instructions on how to start taking the pill so that it was effective but not much else.

When I first started the Pill (BCP) I actually stopped Sexual activity, I didn't have a drive for it anymore. So I guess in that way it worked really well..   I have never been very good @ staying on a strict schedule so I eventually fell off the pill wagon and resumed past activities. At some point I decided once again that I needed to protect myself and not OD on the morning after pills I was taking and so I got another prescription. This was the on again off again relationship I had for many years. I tried lots of different types of birth control and every time I got a new Rx I was reminded how to take it correctly. And I would for a few months and then forget to take it or just got lazy. I had this relationship with BC for about 5 years.

The last time I took BCP was about a month before I got pregnant. I was in an off phase with my BCP but I had some just in case of an emergency. Well I met a super hot and nice guy and one thing led to another. I remember thinking afterward that I should take my emergency meds but I let it slide.

And low and behold 1.5 months later I found out I was pregnant. Needless to say the relationship with that hot guy crashed and burned with more drama then anyone would ever expect. But that story is for another day. Now, I don't blame the pill for my getting pregnant, obviously I conceived a child due to the activities I chose to take part in. (and she is now the most amazing person ever)

I haven't taken any type of birth control chemical since then. I haven't taken any since because first I found out the truth about the lies and deception that surrounded birth control and so called women's healthcare and secondly I fell in Love with Jesus and his Church.

Before I talked about my actual beef (issues) with BC I wanted to give you a bit of my background and use of the Pill. Obviously I did not use the pill the recommended way but I also know I am not alone. And even if I had taken it as directed, I would be just as upset about the truth.

Stay on the look out for part 2....

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