Friday, June 26, 2015

The Wedding at Cana...a meditation with the Holy Spirit

The Wedding at Cana

File:The wedding at Cana.jpgMany times when meditating on the scriptures regarding the wedding at Cana we focus only on Jesus changing water into wine, which is an amazing thing. It was the first miracle he performed after his temptation in the desert, his mother is shown interceding for the first time, and it brings awareness to his disicples of who he is.

But the "smaller" details of this event are just as interesting and important as the miracle itself. As it should be since the little details are just as much The Word of God as are the big miracles and what we see as obvious. I heard many times that everything in the bible has a purpose, every detail is placed there for a as I was praying the rosary some details of this particular miracle jumped out at me.

I remember reading once that Jesus had a great sense of humor. His parables often times directed at the Pharisees, compared them or eluded to them being the same as people they saw as lowly.

Well he was probably doing that here as well. (I must admit that this isn't just my own mind I did read this somewhere as well but I can't remember where.) Think about it, the stone jars were used for ceremonial washing, and Jesus has the servents fill them and then take its contents to the head guy and he drinks it. Scripture even states that he didn't know where the wine came from but the servents did. Can't you just see those guys laughing and snickering cause the boss was drinking dirty water from the jars they used for washing, and not only was he drinking it He Liked It?

I rememebr in high school I made dinner and invited my friend over. When we tasted it, it was awful but we decided to call our other friend over and play a joke. We pretended to like the food, and watched her face when she ate it. Me and my original friend were cracking up as she tried to be polite as she took her first bite and pretend that it tasted good. (Yes we were brats but we told her right away about our joke, we laughed and got something better to eat)

So knowing how funny the joke we played on my friend was I could only imagine the servents watching the boss man drink from the dirty jars of water.

So as I was praying I was thinking about that and having myself a giggle and them it hit me... this goes so much more deeper than that.

Jesus took water from jars that were not clean and made something amazing! Jesus does that same thing to us. We come to him filthy & grimy with sin. But if we come to him and surrender to him and do what he tells us (like his mother tells us to) he turns us into the finest of wines. Look at some of the lives of the saints...St. Augustine for example was a bad bad bad boy, but when he did what Jesus told him he became an amazing person, when he accepted our Lord's Grace he became a humble servent that we still look to today for guidance.
File:Barmherziger Jesus.jpg
We come to him dirty in need of cleansing and he pours out an ocean of mercy upon us. His blood and water cleanse us and makes turns us into amazing people.

So that was one revelation, here was the other. The head people there the ones getting married were oblivious to this miracle.

Jesus once again revealed himself to the least of his people at the party. The servants. Just like at his birth, the first to visit him were lowly shepards not the famous or the rich. Lowly shepards were told to visit the new born babe, and at the wedding Jesus' first miracle revealed his powers to the servents. In the words of our Mother Mary " He casts the mighty down from their throne and has lifted up the lowly,He fills the hungry with good things and the rich he has sent away empty..." Our Lord honors those with no power by revealing first his arrival and then his fist miracle.

So when you feel the least powerful and the most humble...our Lord is probably trying to reveal himself to you in amazing ways!


Thank you Holy Spirit for your guidance!

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