Thursday, June 18, 2015

My Beef With Contraception Part 3

Part 3

In this post I will go a bit deeper into the link with breast cancer, talk about another issue that is rarely ever brought up, and then an alternative.

I left off last time with my disgust for what we currently call women's health. You can find the first two posts on this subject here #1 and here #2.  I feel like it is such a rip off and and such a falsehood to call it health care when all it is, is a cover up. Literally BC only treats the symptoms and not the causes of women's health issues. And many women will defend it because it has lessened their pain and other symptoms, BUT YOU DESERVE BETTER!!!. You deserve a treatment that will find the cause of the issues and treat the cause not just fill your body with cancer causing hormones.

I mentioned in a previous post that the World Health Organization has listed BCP as a group 1 carcinogen...take a look at the other substances on the list here. But to give you a preview we see substance like: Asbestos, coal gasification and formeldyhyde. And yet if you read articles about it causing cancer from people who want women to take BC they say it's not a big deal it only shows a small increase in breast cancer or they say the research isn't clear or that there are other benefits that outweigh the risks.

From the documentation I have found from the Mayo Clinic it is clear that there is a link between breast cancer and BC use. Especially when taken for 4 or more years before full term pregnancy.  The study I linked to specifically points out one study that found these women have 72% increased chance of developing breast cancer...and yet on the Mayo clinic's own Q&A section they say the link between breast cancer and the pill is unclear. Really?? 72% is unclear.....SMH (shaking my head)
I was taught that taking BC regulates peoples periods for those who have abnormal ones... however in reality it doesn't regulate it, it creates a false one! Our periods have to do with our ability to have children. BC takes that ability away. I am so frustrated and angry and saddened by all these lies and deceptions.. But these next reasons are what truly hurt my heart the most.

I suppose I should have paid more attention to class when we went over the reproductive system in college, but I didn't. I thought BC stopped conception of a child and that was it. I did not know that BC could also cause a very early abortion.

How the BCP works... 

As I started to research birth control I discovered some disturbing facts. Although BC's main effort is preventing pregnancy there are three functions of the BCP. The first round of BC that caused many women to die had a higher dose of hormones then the ones we use today. The first BC pills stopped ovulation 100% but that is no longer the case. What does this mean? It means that BC has other ways of either preventing or eliminating a pregnancy.

The pill can create a hostile environment for sperm and cause them to die before they get to the woman's egg. The third and last resort is to damage the lining of the uterus walls so a conceived child would not be able to latch on to the uterus and thus die and go out of the body. That means that sperm can get to the egg,  conception can occur but when that newly formed baby gets to the uterus it is unable to attach, unable to get nutrients to grow and it dies. It is unclear how often this third form actually happens. I found this article that talks about research in this area. The article concludes that this can happen but is rarely ever told to people who are taking the pill.

Although the number or percentage of the time ovulation occurs in unclear, I would've wanted to know that it could happen. Even though I was away from my faith and lived a promiscuous lifestyle. If I had discovered I was pregnant in college my first choice was always adoption. I thought about this often, because I knew that it was a possibility, the way I was living my life. My thought was if I became pregnant I would ask my brothers and sister if they would want to adopt my baby first and if they didn't then I would go to an adoption agency. Abortion was not an option for me, not even one within the first few days of life. (btw life begins at conception. Once conception occurs that little embryo has all the DNA it will ever have in its lifetime)

The morning after pill is designed to work in the exact same way... however conception can occur anywhere from 30 minutes to 5 days... it is a very real possibility that because of my contraception use I could have killed one of my babies...just thinking about that brings me to tears and I will not find out the truth until I die...


So what is the alternative???? There are methods called Natural Family Planning (NFP) that is as or more effective then hormonal contraceptives.... It is not, however, as easy as popping a pill. What does it entail? Well it will force you to get to know your body better and more about fertility. It will also require you to not have sex sometimes (during your fertile days).  Here's an article that talks about it's effectiveness.

So how do you do this you ask? Well I personally do not know the details but I know some general information. Get have to keep track of body temperature and cervical secretions. At first hearing this it seems kind of gross but then I think about it and it's actually pretty Amazing!

It could also build an amazing a special bond between husband and wife as you actually have to fast from doing something you really enjoy. You know the phrase absence makes the heart grow fonder. By abstaining from sexual activity with your spouse you can build trust and respect. Other people have better words for this than I do... "In NFP both husband and wife are taught to understand and live God's design for married love—this will give them countless blessings! NFP methods promote a holistic approach to family planning which both respects procreation and has the potential to deepen the intimacy of husband and wife."

yes this comes from a Catholic source but you do not have to be Catholic or even Christian to enjoy these benefits.

To me this a breath of fresh air. Personally I will not use NFP as just another form of Birth Control because like I said in my first post I completely agree with the Church's teaching on sex and marriage. But if there was a medical, mental, or other serious reason why I should not have more children, if I ever get married, I know that I do not have to put a carcinogen in my body or never let my husband touch me out of fear of becoming pregnant. 

I've heard it said that for every no we hear the Church say there is actually a YES to something more beautiful and amazing then we could ever imagine. NFP is part of that YES to the church's no to contraception.

I have one more question to ponder if there is another method that is safe and non cancer causing, why don't more doctors learn about it or support it?  

ok one more question...Why isn't there more research looking into the causes of all the problems that occur to women and their reproductive system? 

Why are hormonal contraceptives so important to our society that we are willing to blind ourselves to how harmful they can actually be????

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