Sunday, June 14, 2015

My Beef With Contraception Part 2

My Beef With Contraception and the people who make it, test it & push it
Part 2

My last post ended by letting you know that I no longer take birth control pills. Well I also no longer have sex with people I am not married to. I am single by the way and I have been living a chaste lifestyle for 5 yrs now. Woohoo! A major milestone that most ppl who knew me before would probably have a hard time believing. And guess what I didn't die, or explode, or anything else! But I digress.

A while back I went in for my annual womanly MD visit. This was my first time at this office, but to my happy surprise the nurse was the mother of an old highschool friend. The happiness did not last long. As I am sure is standard practice I was asked if I was there for birth control. I declined, the nurse then asks me a bit surprised are you sure and I assured her I did not want any. She then offers me condoms & again I decline. Through the whole intake process never once was I even asked if I was sexually active. So during the pre MD process I was offered some sort of contraceptive 3 times

I then get to meet with the doctor. She offered me BC 2 times never asking if I was sexually active. I told her after the second time I was not active, but she let me know to come by when I needed some. At that point I told her I would not be doing that because I didn't like birth control. At one point during the exam she listened to my lungs and noticed acne on my back offered me BC again without any inquiry into what I currently might or might not be doing for my acne issue.

In one Doctors visit for an annual check up, contraception was offered to me 7 times and I am not even sexually active. I almost started to feel like maybe I should be taking it since no other issue was brought up more than two times! But then I just got mad.

Why you ask? Because I know the dirty little (they are actually quite big and disturbing) truths about BC yet a healthcare provided either is unaware or indifferent to this truth.

A long time ago I watched a chastity video I didn't remember much about it but then a year later I watched it again. And what they said about BC disturbed me so I decided to look into it myself and this is what I confirmed:

The History (this title is a link to the info below)
  • Scientist tested the original BC on women in Puerto Rico "A cage of ovulating women.", 3 of them died, no autopsy was performed, and wasn't talked about until women in the US started having major side effects.
  • Birth control is released to the world
  • Many women suffer from strokes caused by blood clots. A side effect of BC hormones.
  • Drug companies lower the dose.
The trials were done in a poor country on poor women and were referred to as a "perfect laboratory ", they were done without any type of consent or warnings to patients and then these side effects were never told to women in the US. Can you say unethical with a total disregard for health. Quite frankly it disgusts me.

Birth control pills were seen as a major money maker because it was the first pill that didn't treat an illness & was designed to be taken over and over again for years and years.

Just as women were not informed what the pill was when it first came out; women today still are not fully informed about BC.

What the Pill does
  • The pill releases hormones that trick the body into thinking it is pregnant which means there is no need for a monthly period.
  • Marketers of the pill saw this as a drawback because they feared women would not buy it because it would be to unnatural.
  • So they changed the pill so that a woman would still menstruate once a month to make it more marketable.
To me this is just plain deceitful. I am in healthcare. I remember learning in class that if an anorexic female had stopped having periods common treatment was putting her on BC. In light of this newly found info there is no basis for putting this person on BC It is not solving the problem that caused the lack of menses! It merely covers it up.

Health Care

Women are not only prescribed BCP to "prevent" pregnancy they maybe prescribed for:
  • Cramping
  • Excessive bleeding
  • Menstrual cycle regulation
  • Acne
  • Endometriosis
Remember the pill, tricks women's body into thinking it is pregnant and does work to relieve these symptoms. however, its like taking Ibuprofen for a broken bone...sure it will relieve some pain but you must do other things to fix what is wrong. Birth control is often the only treatment for women with the above symptoms. So instead of fixing what is causing these other issues the doctors simply give out these hormones to treat the symptoms.

When in school it was always stressed that although we treat symptoms in order to make a patient more comfortable it is even more important to find out what is causing the problem.

My question becomes why isn't there more information or research trying to figure out exactly what causes these medical conditions?

Why is it so widely accepted that if a woman has a reproductive or just an acne problem it is ok to pump them with hormones to completely change the physiology of that system?

World Health Organization rules oral contraceptives as a Group 1 carcinogen which means it definitely causes cancer in humans

When was the last time your Doctor told you that birth control pills increases your chances of having breast cancer? Hmmm never...that's what I thought... the link above states that oral contraceptives are the class 1 carcinogen but has a disclaimer that they also have been seen to decrease endometrium and uterin cancer. So it souds alright...

Do you know what the #1 cancer in women is? Breast Cancer!!!! Not only is it the #1 cancer more women die of breast cancer then any other. We have all these organizations and bracelets and t-shirts raising awareness about breast cancer yet there is silence when it comes to birth control and the fact that it increases your chances of getting breast cancer...

Side note: as I was perusing the list of Group 1 carcinogens I came across a little nugget called also causes cancer but is used to decrease women's chances of getting breast I looked up the drug online. Guess how it blocks you know what the chemicals are in the BCP?? Estrogen and progesterone...

Did you also know that those are the same drugs in the controversial treatment for post menopausal hormal replacement... "Researchers found that women taking a combination of estrogen and progestin had a greater risk of breast cancer, heart disease, stroke and blood clots than women who did not take synthetic hormones." In the article linked above the MD interviewed said that in light of those findings he wouldn't change treating women with hormone replacement if they are suffering from symptoms that interfere with her life...ok that seems reasonable...yet the BCP is prescribed everyday and the pill has even higher doses of  hormones then hormone replacement therapy and these women are not suffering from any life altering symptoms.

And then, one day,  I found Napro Technology! The doctors who practice this actually monitor the woman's cycle to figure out what is causing the problem. They do not reduce women's health to a cover up of hormones.

Napro technology has been shown to truly treat many health issues.

Solutions Chart

Before I found this I asked my Dr. to do blood work regarding fatigue & depression issues I was having that peaked when on my period. She took blood once, not during my period, & told me nothing was wrong with me. It made no sense to me then and makes even less now. Why didn't she also check my blood at different times of my cycle to see if anything was changing? She eventually referred me to a  psychiatrist. She prescribed me medication in a dose that is non-therapeutic meaning it was so low it has never been proven to treat depression. ???? I have no words to describe my frustrations.

Through the Grace of God & the help of my counselors my depression is in check. I made such a awesome recovery initially my psych MD couldn't believe it & also couldn't believe I wasn't taking the meds (that don't do anything). She also told me that if my depression went back to what it was I would need to be on medication for the rest of my life. Really ...I would need to buy meds forever that have not been shown to be effective???

This Is NOT Good health care for women! It is unacceptable! And yet this is how so many women are treated!!

As another side note I have struggled with depression since then but have never had to go on medications. I have actually found that getting enough sleep, staying hydrated,  eating more healthy, and keeping up with my spiritual needs have been the BEST at keeping depression at bay.

Stay Tuned for Part 3... I'll talkmore about what I find to be the saddest part of using the pill.

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